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Code Samples


The following code samples illustrate various features of BigMemory Go. They are also available in the BigMemory Go kit in the /code-samples directory.

Title Description
example01-config-file BigMemory may be configured declaratively, using an XML configuration file, or programmatically via the fluent configuration API. This sample shows how to configure a basic instance of BigMemory Go declaratively with the XML configuration file.
example02-config-programmatic Configure a basic instance of BigMemory Go programmatically with the fluent configuration API.
example03-crud Basic create, retrieve, update and delete (CRUD) operations available in BigMemory Go.
example04-search Basic in-memory search features of BigMemory Go.
example05-arc Automatic Resource Control (ARC) is a powerful capability of BigMemory Go that gives users the ability to control how much data is stored in heap memory and off-heap memory. This sample shows the basic configuration options for data tier sizing using ARC.
example06-cache BigMemory Go is a powerful in-memory data management solution. Among its many applications, BigMemory Go may be used as a cache to speed up access to data from slow or expensive databases and other remote data sources. This example shows how to enable and configure the caching features available in BigMemory Go.

To run the code samples with Maven, you will need to add the Terracotta Maven repositories to your Maven settings.xml file. Add the following repository information to your settings.xml file:


For further information, refer to Working with Apache Maven.

Example 1: Declarative Configuration via XML

To configure BigMemory declaratively with an XML file, create a CacheManager instance, passing the a file name or an URL object to the constructor.

The following example shows how to create a CacheManager with an URL of the XML file in the classpath at /xml/ehcache.xml.

CacheManager manager = CacheManager.newInstance(
try {
  Cache bigMemory = manager.getCache("BigMemory");
  // now do stuff with it...

} finally {
  if (manager != null) manager.shutdown();

Here are the contents of the XML configuration file used by this sample:

<ehcache xmlns:xsi=""
  <cache name="BigMemory"

The configuration element maxBytesLocalOffHeap lets you set how much off-heap memory to use. BigMemory's unique off-heap memory storage lets you use all of the memory available on a server in a single JVM—from gigabytes to multiple terabytes—without causing garbage collection pauses.

Example 2: Programmatic Configuration

To configure BigMemory Go programmatically, use the Ehcache fluent configuration API.

Configuration managerConfiguration = new Configuration()
    .cache(new CacheConfiguration()
        .maxBytesLocalHeap(512, MemoryUnit.MEGABYTES)
        .maxBytesLocalOffHeap(1, MemoryUnit.GIGABYTES)

CacheManager manager = CacheManager.create(managerConfiguration);
try {
  Cache bigMemory = manager.getCache("BigMemory");
  // now do stuff with it...

} finally {
  if (manager != null) manager.shutdown();

Example 3: Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD)

The CRUD sample demonstrates basic create, read, update and delete operations.

First, we create a BigMemory data store configured to use 512 MB of heap memory and 32 GB of off-heap memory:

Configuration managerConfiguration = new Configuration();
    .cache(new CacheConfiguration()
        .maxBytesLocalHeap(512, MemoryUnit.MEGABYTES)
        .maxBytesLocalOffHeap(32, MemoryUnit.GIGABYTES)

CacheManager manager = CacheManager.create(managerConfiguration);
Cache bigMemory = manager.getCache("BigMemory-Crud");

This instructs the Automatic Resource Control (ARC) capability of BigMemory to keep a maximum of 512 MB of its data in heap for nanosecond to microsecond access. In this example, as the 512 MB of heap memory fills up, ARC will automatically move data to the 32 GB off-heap store where it is available at microsecond speed. This configuration keeps heap sizes small to avoid garbage collection pauses and tuning, but still uses large amounts of in-process memory for ultra-fast access to data.

Important: BigMemory Go is capable of addressing gigabytes to terabytes of in-memory data in a single JVM and it's free to use up to 32 GB. However, to avoid swapping take care not to configure BigMemory Go to use more memory than is physically available on your hardware.

Now that we have a BigMemory instance configured and available, we can start creating data in it:

final Person timDoe = new Person("Tim Doe", 35, Person.Gender.MALE,
    "eck street", "San Mateo", "CA");
bigMemory.put(new Element("key-1", timDoe));

Then, we can read data from it:

final Element element = bigMemory.get("key-1");
System.out.println("The value for key-1 is  " + element.getObjectValue());

And update it:

final Person pamelaJones = new Person("Pamela Jones", 23, Person.Gender.FEMALE,
    "berry st", "Parsippany", "LA");
bigMemory.put(new Element("key-1", pamelaJones));
final Element updated = bigMemory.get("key-1");
System.out.println("The value for key-1 is now " + updated.getObjectValue() +
                     ". key-1 has been updated.");

And delete it:

System.out.println("Try to retrieve key-1.");
final Element removed = bigMemory.get("key-1");
System.out.println("Value for key-1 is " + removed + 
                   ". Key-1 has been deleted.");

You can also create or update multiple entries at once:

Collection<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>();
elements.add(new Element("1", new Person("Jane Doe", 35, 
    Person.Gender.FEMALE, "eck street", "San Mateo", "CA")));
elements.add(new Element("2", new Person("Marie Antoinette", 23, 
    Person.Gender.FEMALE, "berry st", "Parsippany", "LA")));
elements.add(new Element("3", new Person("John Smith", 25,
    Person.Gender.MALE, "big wig", "Beverly Hills", "NJ")));
elements.add(new Element("4", new Person("Paul Dupont", 25, 
    Person.Gender.MALE, "big wig", "Beverly Hills", "NJ")));
elements.add(new Element("5", new Person("Juliet Capulet", 25,
    Person.Gender.FEMALE, "big wig", "Beverly Hills", "NJ")));


And read multiple entries at once:

final Map<Object, Element> elementsMap = bigMemory.getAll(
    Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3"));

And delete multiple entries at once:

bigMemory.removeAll(Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3"));

And delete everything at once:


BigMemory Go comes with powerful in-memory search capabilities. This sample shows how to perform basic search operations on your in-memory data.

First, create an instance of BigMemory Go with searchable attributes:

Configuration managerConfig = new Configuration()
    .cache(new CacheConfiguration().name("MySearchableDataStore")
        .maxBytesLocalHeap(512, MemoryUnit.MEGABYTES)
        .maxBytesLocalOffHeap(32, MemoryUnit.GIGABYTES)
        .searchable(new Searchable()
            .searchAttribute(new SearchAttribute().name("age"))
            .searchAttribute(new SearchAttribute().name("gender")
            .searchAttribute(new SearchAttribute().name("state")
            .searchAttribute(new SearchAttribute().name("name")

CacheManager manager = CacheManager.create(managerConfig);
Ehcache bigMemory = manager.getEhcache("MySearchableDataStore");

Now, let's put a bunch of stuff into it:

bigMemory.put(new Element(1, new Person("Jane Doe", 35, Gender.FEMALE,
    "eck street", "San Mateo", "CA")));
bigMemory.put(new Element(2, new Person("Marie Antoinette", 23, Gender.FEMALE,
    "berry st", "Parsippany", "LA")));
bigMemory.put(new Element(3, new Person("John Smith", 25, Gender.MALE,
    "big wig", "Beverly Hills", "NJ")));
bigMemory.put(new Element(4, new Person("Paul Dupont", 45, Gender.MALE,
    "cool agent", "Madison", "WI")));
bigMemory.put(new Element(5, new Person("Juliet Capulet", 30, Gender.FEMALE,
    "dah man", "Bangladesh", "MN")));
for (int i = 6; i < 1000; i++) {
  bigMemory.put(new Element(i, new Person("Juliet Capulet" + i, 30,
      Person.Gender.MALE, "dah man", "Bangladesh", "NJ")));

Next, create some search attributes and construct a query:

Attribute<Integer> age = bigMemory.getSearchAttribute("age");
Attribute<Gender> gender = bigMemory.getSearchAttribute("gender");
Attribute<String> name = bigMemory.getSearchAttribute("name");
Attribute<String> state = bigMemory.getSearchAttribute("state");

Query query = bm.createQuery();
    .addOrderBy(age, Direction.ASCENDING).maxResults(10);

Then, execute the query and look at the results:

Results results = query.execute();
System.out.println(" Size: " + results.size());
for (Result result : results.all()) {
  System.out.println("Got: Key[" + result.getKey()
                     + "] Value class [" + result.getValue().getClass()
                     + "] Value [" + result.getValue() + "]");

We can also use Aggregators to perform computations across query results. Here's an example that computes the average age of all people in the data set:

Query averageAgeQuery = bigMemory.createQuery();
System.out.println("Average age: "
                   + averageAgeQuery.execute().all().iterator().next()

We can also restrict the calculation to a subset based on search attributes. Here's an example that computes the average age of all people in the data set between the ages of 30 and 40:

Query agesBetween = bigMemory.createQuery();
agesBetween.addCriteria(age.between(30, 40));
System.out.println("Average age between 30 and 40: "
                   + agesBetween.execute().all().iterator().next()

Using Aggregators, we can also find number of entries that match our search criteria. Here's an example that finds the number of people in the data set who live in New Jersey:

Query newJerseyCountQuery = bigMemory.createQuery().addCriteria(
System.out.println("Count of people from NJ: "
                   + newJerseyCountQuery.execute().all().iterator().next()

Example 5: Automatic Resource Control (ARC)

Automatic Resource Control (ARC) is a powerful capability of BigMemory Go that gives users the ability to control how much data is stored in heap memory and off-heap memory.

The following XML configuration instructs ARC to allocate a maximum of 512 M of heap memory and 32 G of off-heap memory. In this example, when 512 M of heap memory is used, ARC will automatically move data into off-heap memory up to a maximum of 32 G. The amount of off-heap memory you can use is limited only by the amount of physical RAM you have available.

<ehcache xmlns:xsi=""
     updateCheck="false" monitoring="autodetect"
     name="MyManager" maxBytesLocalHeap="512M"


  <cache name="BigMemory1">

  <cache name="BigMemory2">


It's also possible to allocate resources on a per-data set basis. Here's an example of allocating 8 G of off-heap memory to the BigMemory1 data set and 24 G of off-heap memory to the BigMemory2 data set:

<ehcache xmlns

  <cache name="BigMemory1"

  <cache name="BigMemory2"


Example 6: Using BigMemory As a Cache

BigMemory Go is a powerful in-memory data management solution. Among its many applications, BigMemory Go may be used as a cache to speed up access to data from slow or expensive databases and other remote data sources. This example shows how to enable and configure the caching features available in BigMemory Go.

The following programmatic configuration snippet shows how to set time-to-live (TTL) and time-to-idle (TTI) policies on a data set:

Configuration managerConfiguration = new Configuration();
        new CacheConfiguration()
            .maxBytesLocalHeap(512, MemoryUnit.MEGABYTES)
            .maxBytesLocalOffHeap(1, MemoryUnit.GIGABYTES)


CacheManager manager = CacheManager.create(managerConfiguration);

The timeToLiveSeconds directive sets the maximum age of an element in the data set. Elements older than the maximum TTL will not be returned from the data store. This is useful when BigMemory is used as a cache of external data and you want to ensure the freshness of the cache.

The timeToIdleSeconds directive sets the maximum time since last access of an element. Elements that have been idle longer than the maximum TTI will not be returned from the data store. This is useful when BigMemory is being used as a cache of external data and you want to bias the eviction algorithm towards removing idle entries.

If neither TTL nor TTI are set (or set to zero), data will stay in BigMemory until it is explicitly removed.